If you have any questions about our events, please email Linda Willenberg at willenberglinda@gmail.com or call her at 425-641-1606.​​
February 10​
Live music via Zoom: London: 1780s to 1810s, and the Accompanied Sonatas of the Corri Family
The Frahm-Lewis Trio will do a Zoom presentation for the Puget Sound Association of Phi Beta Kappa on the Corri Family Sonatas at 6 p.m. Pacific time on Monday, February 10.
The Frahm-Lewis Trio is the resident faculty piano trio at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The Corris were a large family of composers and musicians active in London circles during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Their collective work reflects the pragmatic demands of the domestic and concert life of Londoners of this time, and their fortunes rose and fell with current trends.
The accompanied sonata was most typically a work for piano accompanied by one or two instruments, usually a violin and cello and in that order. Apart from sonatas for solo piano, the accompanied sonata was the most common instrumental form of the time owing to its practical use for domestic social entertainment. This online presentation will survey those extant accompanied sonatas composed by members of the Corri family and will demonstrate how each reflects the musical requirements of the London parlor.
Register now for this online event. You will be sent a Zoom link prior to the presentation. Guests are welcome. Questions? Contact us at pugetsoundPBK@gmail.com.
Past Events
November 20, 2024: Fall Luncheon with Jevin West, Ph.D.
October 19, 2024: Tour of Seattle Aquarium
June 22, 2024: Tour of Bellevue Botanical Garden
May 15, 2024: Spring Luncheon with Phi Beta Kappa Secretary/CEO Frederick M. Lawrence
April 20, 2024: Tour of MOHAI, Seattle
March 9, 2024: The Cinderella Four: An Olympic Rowing Triumph
February 24, 2024: A visit to the Henry Art Gallery, Seattle
See photographs from our trip to the Seattle Japanese Garden on May 28, 2022, and from our Indigenous Walking Tour on June 26, 2022.